You likely have a printer in your house, Just like your printer Epicenter has a printer - its like the one you have; if it was on steroids. Our latex based printer is a 6 color + an optimizer. We use a CMYKcm (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, light cyan and light magenta). This allows us a wider range of color than a regular CMYK printer.
With it we are able to print on a wide range of materials, wrap material, all types of decal, banner stock, and poster stock (and more). Whatever design we push through to it, it has the capabilities to print, bubbles, stripes, ice cream cones, you name it and it will print it.
With a nearly limitless option of possibilities using a multicolor printing project the world is your oyster. So if you've wondered can I have blue with green on your van, or a pink car with purple polkadots or a sign that has a red stripe with blue lettering the answers are all yes! Check out our website at the vast amount of projects. Almost every single one was digitally printed and is a great representation of what the printer can do.